Literacy Alive 4 Professional Development Sessions
Alberta Pre-service Teachers join Literacy Alive Project
Dream It & Do It!
Dream It and Do It Parade
Margaretrose Willms receives Paul Harris Fellowship
What a Wonderful World!
Rainforest Reading Adventure Camp March 29-31
Rainforest Reading Camp March 29-31, 2016
Developing a Love of Reading
Literacy Alive! III – Canadian Teachers Visit Village Schools
Volunteer Reading Coaches Nov 2013

The purposes of the Literacy Alive project is to improve reading levels in targetted primary schools. A unique dimension of the project is the recruitment and training of community volunteers to assist teachers in the classroom during an assigned Reading block of study for one hour four times a week. These Reading Coach volunteers receive training on specific reading interventions and under the direct guidance of the classroom teacher they work with small groups of children on drill and practice reading strategies so that the classroom teacher can work with a second group of students on different reading strategies. This provides increased adult support for reading for at least two groups of students in a classroom. The most recent phase of the project began last November with approximately fifty Reading Coaches receiving training and recognition certificates of completion. This week additional Reading Coaches are being recruited and trained. School principals and teachers as well as Parent Councils assist in recruiting volunteers. The first five months of the project has demonstrated notable improvements in literacy awareness by Belize teachers and the community.
Literacy Alive! August 2011 PD

Five outstanding educators provided in excess of five full days of professional development to the teachers and administrators of the six pilot schools in the project. The Ministry of Education leaders from the Cayo district also participated in the learning experiences which focused on effective approaches to literacy teaching and learning. The VTT team led discussions and planning sessions that assisted the Belize educators with strategies to approach the literacy assessment of students in the pilot schools and to determine essential teaching/learning resources and a series of teaching strategies to address the literacy learning needs of students in the pilot schools. The Alberta teachers used a ‘train the trainer’ or ‘learning coaching’ model in all professional development. The intent of this model encouraged the building of instructional leadership capacity of the stronger teachers in the Cayo region.
Community Literacy Night
Nov. 27-Dec.2
A very successful Community Literacy Night was held in Belmopan to increase awareness of Rotary Literacy Alive project, to celebrate the work of the schools, the teachers, and the parent community leaders in the work done to support literacy. Well over 400 community members participating in the community run event. There were 14 centres in classrooms featuring literacy activities and delicious papusas, empanadas and cupcakes prepared by some dedicated parents. Teachers came from all six pilot schools and some even ran a centre using their own teaching materials. Teachers from school across the entire Cayo district travelled long distances to get to the event. At the conclusion of the VTT visit, enthusiasm to expand the project and to replicate the community literacy night became priorities for all the pilot schools and for many of the non pilot schools (many who are keen to selected as pilot schools in a future project/program).
San Ignacio